Ginger possesses significant health benefits. The health benefits of ginger include reducing nausea, inflammation, muscle soreness, and osteoarthritis while improving gut health and the digestive tract. It has also been shown to improve blood sugar levels while managing cholesterol and effective antifungal and antibacterial treatments.
Ginger possesses significant health benefits including reducing nausea, inflammation, muscle soreness, and osteoarthritis while improving gut health and the digestive tract. Ginger has also been shown to improve blood sugar levels while managing cholesterol and effective antifungal and antibacterial treatments.
What Is Ginger
Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial that grows annual pseudostems about one-meter tall bearing narrow leaf blades.
Also, Ginger is a tropical flowering plant that originally grew in Southeast Asia but is now widely available from growers around the world. It’s classified as a member of the Zingiberaceae family, making it a close relative of turmeric. (3) The scientific name for ginger is Zingiber officinale, which is thought to come from the Sanskrit name for the spice (singabera).
The natural antibacterial and antifungal intent has been used as a medicinal herb for ages. This little yet potent vegetable is high in minerals that promote health, such as sulfur, manganese, and selenium. Garlic can be used in cooking, as a supplement, or as a necklace.
While most vitamins and minerals help you in many ways, the health benefits of garlic have earned it a spot among unique superfoods.
Just a pinch of fresh ginger root can transform the flavor of baked goods. It also keeps your body happy and healthy! Here’s a closer look at the benefits of ginger.
1. It’s An Anti-inflammatory
Ginger, like turmeric and cardamom, includes the chemical gingerol, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
Anti-inflammatories found in nature are significant because they can help regulate an overactive immune system. Inflammation is your body’s normal and healthy response to injury or illness, and it signals to your white blood cells that it is time to begin healing.
However, excessive inflammation is linked to diseases, such as celiac and fibromyalgia, which is why antioxidants are popular among doctors and nutritionists alike, they help reduce inflammation.
Leafy greens, blueberries, and ginger are all high in antioxidants, which means they help minimize inflammation throughout the body.
2. It Helps In Stomach Upset
If you’ve ever sipped ginger ale or ginger tea to calm an upset stomach, you already know that ginger can help relieve nausea.
According to health reporter Marissa Miller, it’s also the ideal drink to sip after a hefty dinner.
“A cup of ginger tea may help your stomach empty quickly so food does not sit there after an extravagant lunch,” Miller writes in Women’s Health.
“It’ll help calm your stomach and stave off bloating and gas.” Win-win.
3. It Reduces Diabetes.
Diabetes is a major issue in this country, afflicting a certain percentage of the population. Scientists have connected several active components in ginger to insulin and metabolic benefits.
That said, if you’re at risk for diabetes, adding extra to sugary gingerbread cookies won’t do you any favors! Keep both dried and fresh ginger on hand for flavoring smoothies and veggie-based stir-fries and soups. While some chemical compounds in ginger may decrease over time, the drying process enhances other beneficial ones.
4. It Helps In the Fight against Cancer
Thanks to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties of ginger, it’s been heavily credited with helping combat a handful of diseases. Because of this, ginger has been widely studied and used to manage and even prevent some cancers, too.
5. Ginger Helps In Digestion
With digestive complaints, ginger can offer almost immediate relief from indigestion related to overeating. Its antispasmodic effects can offer relief from cramping and colic.
6. It Reduces Aging
You probably see the buzzword “antioxidant” splayed across your favorite expensive face creams – but that’s actually for good reason. It’s promising (yet preliminary!) Research suggests antioxidants help protect the skin from free radicals (things in the environment like pollution and UV rays), which speed up the breakdown of collagen and damage the skin. According to Ansel, ginger’s antioxidant content can help maintain your skin’s collagen production, which promotes skin elasticity and smoothness.
7. It Helps Boost immunity
Why do people live on ginger lozenges when they’re sick? Those same gingerols that fight inflammation also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties to help fight infections and boost your immunity.
Hot water
Two tablespoons of freshly grated ginger
Juice of one lemon
Half a tablespoon of honey.
Or, toss a teaspoon into chicken soup for some added cold-fighting benefits.
8. Helps To lower cholesterol
After 45 days, participants who took ginger pills daily had lower levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and bad cholesterol (also known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) than those who received a placebo. However, additional research is needed before concluding that ginger can be used to decrease cholesterol.
9. It Can Help You Lose weight.
Some small studies have linked ginger intake when combined with other plant extracts to some benefits in weight loss. And there’s some promising animal research linking ginger to weight management. But as with anything else, ginger is no magic weight-loss pill! Other components of a healthy, balanced diet matter just as much when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off.
10. Deliver Post-Workout Pain Relief
Because ginger can help reduce inflammation within the body, it reduces muscle pain that comes after a super intense workout. Ginger has also been used to treat pain-related symptoms in those who have osteoarthritis, with the help of a purified ginger extract.
Ginger is one of the most ancient healing spices. Over time, the health benefits of ginger have expanded beyond traditional knowledge to include several healthy boosts. This includes its ability to improve bone health, treat diarrhea, remove excess gas, and aid in digestion. Also, it helps prevent various types of cancer, detoxifies and disinfects, and enhances libido. In addition, ginger helps prevent menstrual cramps, and reduces nausea and the flu.
Look for solid roots with few nicks, lumps, and bruises whether you buy ginger root from the farmers market or your local grocery store. To reap the full range of ginger’s health benefits, scrape or cut away the brown skin, revealing the crisp yellow meat beneath.
To enhance the flavor of your favorite recipes, mince and add to stir-fry, smoothies, or salad dressings. Ginger pairs particularly well with soy sauce, garlic, and fish in an Asian-inspired stir-fry, or with carrots and pineapple in a juicer for a heart-healthy smoothie.
To keep unused ginger, throw it in a plastic bag or Tupperware and place it in the crisper for up to four weeks. When you notice discoloration or mushy patches on the ginger, it is past its prime.
According to dietician Christy Brissette, this zingy root is so simple to incorporate into your diet that you may be tempted to overdo it on your new favorite superfood.
“Having a couple of tablespoons of fresh or powdered ginger a day is fine,” Brissette explained to Women’s Health. “If you’d like to take more, speak to your doctor, as ginger can interfere with some medications.”
Interested in adding more superfoods to your diet? Try this turmeric golden latte for another anti-inflammatory treatment.
Final Thought
Ginger is loaded with a lot of nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain.
It’s one of the very few superfoods worthy of that term.