In the Light of things the Gabon President Gets Overthrown in a Coup by the Military.
Gabon is a country along the Atlantic Coast in Central Africa with their capital being Libreville.
The Country practices Democracy but has been ruled by just one family since 1967.
The current Gabon President that got Overthrown is Ali Bongo Ondimba and he has been in power since 2009 after being handed over by his father Omar Bongo.
The Gabon’s former President Omar Bongo had 70 bank accounts, 39 apartments, 2 Ferraris, 6 Mercedes Benz cars, 3 Porsches and a Bugatti in France.
He ruled for 42 years (from 1967 to 2009).
His son, Ali Bongo has been President since 2009. He has just been overthrown in a coup.
The coup d’etat came after the Gabon conducted an election and Ali Bong was declared the winner.
The Gabonese Viewed the election has been greatly flawed and after the announcement of the fraudulent electoral results declaring Ali Bongo as winner, the Gabonese army seized control of the country and has called for the dissolution of all institutions.
The Gabonese military announced a coup in Gabon deposing President Ali Bongo, citing that the elections held over the weekend were NOT credible
The officers appeared on Gabon24 in the early hours of Wednesday morning
They said they have cancelled the elections, dissolved all state institutions and closed the country’s borders.
It seems Democracy is gradually failing in Africa as there are alot of countries already falling into the military regime, all citing a failed government as it’s reasons for coup.
The African leaders need to have a rethink and listen to the wave that is gradually craving in.