12 health benefits of gronotula

In this article we are going to be talking about the 12 health benefits of gronotula a fruit nicknamed as “God’s Gift to Women”.
GORONTULA is a sweet chewy nut which could also be refered to as African chewing gum fruits or honey nuts. It is a fruit that is grown in Tula Kaltungo Local Government Area of Gombe State to be Precised.
It has several benefits nutritionally, medicinally and otherwise and is used for many purposes especially in the health sector.
It Contains many phytochemicals and carotenoids has the highest ratio composition, it contains mineral components such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and sodium.
The medicinal benefits of GORONTULA cannot be over emphasized as it serves as an aphrodisiac, lowers blood sugar, treats ulcer, prevents high blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, treats infertility and infections.
Research as shown that the seeds are used as herbal medicine for diseases and ailments. As a result of most of the components present in the fruits, here are some of it’s health benefits;
· As a Libido Booster: Conditions known as oxidative stress could affect the libido of a persons Flavonoids, an active compound for reducing stress is of high percentage in Gorontula and it works as an active antioxidant, lowering not just the oxidative stress but inflammation that could as well affect the sexual health of a man. It is a good aphrodisiac and it improves the sperm quality in men too.
· As a treatment of Cough: The Antioxidants present in these fruits doesn’t just treat inflammation but clears the respiratory tract as well.
· It prevents cancer: Gorontula contains anticancer agents arresting free radicals that could cause cancer. These radicals damages cells in the body of which the carotenoids play a major role in human health.
· It prevents high blood Pressure: Gorontula Contains a compound also known as Tannis which exert physiological effects in human. Tannis decreases the serum lipid, produces liver necrosis, reduces blood pressure and blood clotting.
· Gorontula for fertility: The magnesium content of Gorontula helps in fertility, relieves stress, improves sleep and reduces insulin.
Magnesium handles about 700 to 800 enzyme system in the body thereby used to increase vaginal wetness, without irritation, keeping the area moist, slippery and drip for days facilitating easy penetration and intimacy to enhance love making.
It controls the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which binds the receptor in the ovary. Low level of magnesium causes low progesterone and low progesterone causes short luteal phase.
The antimicrobial content of the fruit aids the female body in wading off micro-organisms increasing the normal Flora in the vagina, deactivating free radicals in the body that damage both sperm and egg cells also correcting menstruation problems in women.
· Saponin in Gorontula: Saponins in Gorontula exhibits antimicrobial properties which guards the body against fungi, bacteria and viruses, improving the immune function by stimulating the production of Antioxidants, it scavenges oxidative elements.
· Gets rid of vaginal odour: It serves as a vaginal cleanser helping to clean it and balanced female hormones, treats variety of infections as the phenolic components are effective against yeast and bacterium infection. It is a cleanser and a detox.
Its Anti-diabetic: Terpens, flavonoids and glycosides which are present in the fruit are good for sugar level in the body hence good for diabetic patients.
· As an Immune booster: The phytochemicals present helps in fighting virus, allergen and cyanogen.
· For Treatment of Ulcer: Gorontula is also used to treat ulcer and other stomach pains as it helps in the reduction of inflammation which could be a source of pain due to the presence of Flavonoids.
· Gorontula Improves Digestion and Bowel Movement: The fiber content in the fruit does the work of digestion improvement as well as relieving constipation.
· Aids in the Menstrual Cycle: The fruits plays a vital role in that by regulating menstruation, treating hormonal imbalance, relief menstruation cramps and aches.