This article educates us on the more facts we need to know about migraine.
Migraine is a medical condition that involves severe reoccurring headaches and other symptoms.It is a type of headache that causes throbbing pain accompanied by extreme sensitivity to light and sound lasting for hours and days.
Before the headache,a person might experience a prodome which may involve emotional changes, yawning, thirst, dizziness and irritability.
During the headache,a mild to severe or pulsing headache.It is different from a typical headache, it’s experience and causes are obviously very different.
It mostly affects the forehead and it’s usually one side of the head but it can occur on both sides or shift.
It is a condition in which several body systems are involved in it’s attack. Underdiagnosed by physicians and misidentified by persons having as many individuals self- diagnosis it as tension headaches.
CAUSES AND TRIGGERS; Steming from changes in the brain which affects the way nerves communicate, balance chemicals and blood vessels. Genetic factors may also play a role having a family history.
It triggers vary from person to person which includes; Hormonal Triggers such as Premenstrual Syndrome which is related to menstruation, Emotional Triggers such as stress, depression, anxiety and excitement, Dietary Factors such as alcohol, caffeine, chocolate,nuts and foods containing the additive tyramine and monosodium, Environmental Triggers such as loud noises, humidity, Bright lights and flickering screens, Medications like sleeping pills, hormone therapies and birth control pills.
Other Possible Triggers Includes; Tiredness, low blood sugar, dehydration, Irregular mealtimes, Lack of sleep, Alcohol Use, Intensive Physical Activity, Change in Biometric Pressure.
TYPES OF MIGRAINE; Migraine with aura which has to do with the sensory disturbances at the early stage, Migraine without aura which has to do with the sensory disturbances at episode, Chronic Migraine which has to do with an episode more than 15times a month, Menstrual Migraine which has to do with the menstrual cycle, Hemiplegic Migraine which has to do with temporary weakness on one side of the body, Abdominal Migraine which has to do with the gut and abdomen, Basilar Migraine which has to do with neurological function such as speech and Vestibular Migraine.
RISK FACTORS; Anyone can develop migraine but it’s slightly higher for people with sleep disorders, Bipolar disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Obsessive+ Compulsive disorder.
DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis of migraine is determined based on clinical history, reported symptoms and by ruling out other causes.
Having more episodes reoccurring at least each lasting four hours to three days using the 5,4,3,2,1criteria.
Having headaches with atleast two of the following symptoms; Occuring one side, Causing moderate to severe pain aggravated by activity, Pulsating.
Having atleast one additional symptom like vomiting,nausea, sensitivity to light and sensitivity to sound.
COMPLICATIONS; Migraine is association with small increased risk of ischaemic stroke and a very small increased risk of mental health Problems.
Ischaemic stroke happens when the blood supply in the brain is blocked by a blood clot or fatty material in arteries.The risk of this is increased by using the combined contraceptive pill.
PREVENTION; They are various ways of preventing migraine which are; Identifying and avoiding triggers, medicines and supplements and hormonal treatments.
TREATMENT; There is no cure for migraine though they are medications that can be used to reduce it’s severity. Using flexible cold packs as well is a relief for migraine.
CONCLUSION; Migraine is a medical condition that involves headache and other symptoms. Its not just a bad headache as it can have a significant impact on daily life, making it difficult to work and do everyday activities.