5 Creative Ways To Find A Job

5 Creative Ways To Find A Job


There are 5 Creative Ways To Find A Job instead of having to post on every job site on the internet, such as Monster, CareerBuilder, and HotJobs. Even though You’ve followed up with calls and talked to people until your face hurts. Every Sunday, you get the newspaper and send out applications for every job in your field, but you rarely hear back. Well, try some different ways to look for work.

5 Creative Ways To Find A Job


5 Creative Ways To Find A Job


1. Send half of your application(Resume)


Find a place where you’d like to work. Write a great cover letter that explains why you would be a good fit for the job and points to your resume.


Don’t seal the envelope and don’t put a resume inside. They’ll think the resume fell out of the mail. They will give you a call and talk to you. Sell yourself without any shame.


2. Write A Prospecting Letter

Use direct mail to your advantage. Locate 5-10 companies. Write a letter to your network of contacts and ask if they know anyone who works at any of the companies on your list.


When a contact says they know someone on your list, send them your resume and ask them to send it to the person or ask for permission to send it yourself.


3. Email chain letter

Make a list of 20 companies you want to work for and send an email to everyone you know asking if they know anyone who works there.


Ask them to let you know if they do, so you can ask for a recommendation. The last step is to ask them to send your email to 10 more people. But don’t do this if you already have a job!

4. Distribute A Booklet

Give away a booklet you’ve written with information about your business. Everyone likes free information, and this shows how knowledgeable you are. Give the booklet away online and advertise it in newsgroups where hiring managers will see it.


5. Call the Human Resources office.

Doesn’t that sound crazy? Call the department that human resources. Ask them what outside recruiting firm or agency they use. They’ll ask you why you’re interested. Tell them that their company isn’t hiring people with your skills right now.


The agency may be working with other companies, so you want a recommendation. They may very well want to talk to you. If not, you at least have a lead.


They would love to avoid paying fees to the agency. Also, being recommended draws extra attention to you. Send them a note to say thanks.


You can get better results with these guerrilla strategies. Make sure to stay tuned for the next 5 creative ideas.


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