Health: What is Agoraphobia?
There are alot of Phobias for things alot of person maybe feeling atimes, but What is Agoraphobia?
Most phobias are known to some people. Almost everyone knows what you mean when you talk about claustrophobia, social phobia, or arachnophobia. Most people will just shake their heads when you say the word “Agoraphobia.”

Because of this, it can take people with Agoraphobia up to a year or even longer to figure out what’s wrong with them. Since the physical symptoms of panic and anxiety that come with agoraphobia are so strong, people with agoraphobia often go to several doctors to try to find a diagnosis.
Since most doctors aren’t trained to diagnose agoraphobia, let alone other anxiety disorders, most persons have had agoraphobia for a long time before they learn enough about it to get the right treatment and start getting better.
Here are some basics about agoraphobia:
Agoraphobia is “anxiety about, or avoiding, places or situations from which escape might be hard (or embarrassing) or where help might not be available in case of a panic attack or symptoms that feel like a panic attack.” (DSM-IV)
Agoraphobia is a type of an anxiety disorder. The word “agoraphobia” comes from the Greek words “agora,” which means “market,” and “phobia,” which means “fear.” People with agoraphobia are afraid of open or public spaces. Literally, the word means “fear of the market.”
In reality, most People with agoraphobia aren’t afraid of open and public places as much as they are afraid of having a panic attack in them, especially in places where there might not be anyone to help in case of an emergency or panic attack.
Common Symptoms Of Agoraphobia Experience:

1) A panic attack is a period of intense fear that lasts about ten minutes on average (but sometimes longer).
2) Avoiding places and situations that are hard to get out of or could be embarrassing if you had to leave quickly. Most of the time, this is because they are afraid of having a panic attack or something bad happen out of the blue and not being able to get help or get away.
3) Find “safe” people. These are people who the person with agoraphobia knows well and feels emotionally close to. Parents, spouses, children, or close friends and family are usually safe people.
4) Creating “safe” places: places where the person with agoraphobia feels mentally at ease. Most of the time, a person with agoraphobia feels safest at home.
5) Scanning: Keeping an obsessive eye on your own body for strange or unusual signs.
6) Fear of being alone: This is related to the fear of having no one to help in case of a panic attack or real emergency.
If you think you or someone you know might have agoraphobia, don’t waste any time learning about the disorder.
Research has shown that your chances of a successful recovery are higher the sooner you start the recovery process.
The Agoraphobia Resource Center has a website where you can learn more about agoraphobia. The site was made by an ex-agoraphobe who wanted to help other people learn about agoraphobia and get over it.